首届非遗中国年 向世界推荐艺术家——钟适斌
The first Chinese Year of Intangible Cultural Heritage recommends an artist to the world - Zhong Shibin
On December 4, 2024, the news of the successful application of the Spring Festival World Heritage exploded on major social network platforms. "Spring Festival - the social practice of Chinese people celebrating the traditional New Year" has been included in UNESCO's Representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity, which has attracted wide attention. The year 2025 is the Year of the Snake in the lunar calendar, and the successful application of the Spring Festival has undoubtedly added special significance to the Spring of the Year of the snake.
钟适斌,男 1945 年生,福建泉州人。中国民间艺术荣誉主席、国家一级艺术大师、世界文化研究中心名誉会长、外交部中外交流协会授予一带一路全球文化交流大使、中国东方文化研究会研究员。
多年来在书法创作上做到学习与创作齐头并进,坚持不懈;师古与师今并举,师古不泥古;师今求发展,继承创作并重。不断提高文学素养,以提高书法创作水平。突出自己的创作风格,并推向世界,为中华文化复兴尽一份微薄之力。2008 年以来,参加全国展赛,也曾获特等奖、特别金奖,最高成就奖。2019 年澳门回归 20 周年画展中获金莲花奖,2020年6月在北京中华艺术国际书画展中作品毛泽东《沁园春·雪》编号 2-225 获第三名。
书法作品入编《中国草书选集》、《中国行草选集》、与古代名家合编书籍有《中国古今草书十家》、与沈鹏合编《岁月如歌·当代书画泰斗二人行》、《艺术丰碑·当代中国书画大师点典籍》、个人作品集《中国当代书画大师钟适斌个人卷》、《魅力丹青·冰雪冬奥品选集》等二十多部。2020 年作品,个人简历入编《历届大阅兵珍藏册》,2021年再次入编人民日报《领航中国·奋斗百年路·启航新征程》中的“领航艺术家”栏目,授予奖杯,誉为“中国领航艺术传播大儒”。
个人事迹入编:《榜样的力量》、《全国文艺人物大辞典》,被授予“中华脊梁——共和行业杰出人物”,“中国书画艺术网首席艺术顾问”“世界艺术成就奖”,“当代艺术领军人物”、“功勋艺术家”、“2021·全国艺术谐模”等多项荣誉称号。2022 年在中华兰亭字库钟适斌草体采集工程中获中华兰亭字库最佳设计师奖。作品入编《大国大家》获“大国大家杰出艺术家优选人才称号”;作品入编《首批高级智库专家大辞典》获邀担任首批高级智库高级研究员;作品入编《1949-2022共和国美术大典》被授予共和国功勋艺术家;还入编《1922-2022世界艺术年鉴近代世界百年大师经典作品集》同时获“国际艺术家功勋”称号;22年还获国礼艺术家网特邀顾问,国宝级艺术大师称号。2023年入编《中国艺术品牌成交榜》,2023年,被授予“新时代文化创新领军人物”。
Zhong Shibin was born in Quanzhou, Fujian Province in 1945. Honorary Chairman of Chinese Folk Art, national first-class art master, honorary president of the World Culture Research Center, awarded the Belt and Road Global Cultural Exchange Ambassador by the Sino-Foreign Exchange Association of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and researcher of China Oriental Culture Research Institute.
Over the years in calligraphy creation to achieve learning and creation go hand in hand, perseverance; Division ancient and division today, division ancient not ancient; Teachers seek development, inheritance and creation. Constantly improve the literary quality, in order to improve the level of calligraphy creation. Highlight their own creative style, and promote to the world, for the revival of Chinese culture to do a modest contribution. Since 2008, participated in the national exhibition competition, has also won the grand prize, special gold award, the highest achievement award.
His calligraphy works have been compiled in "Chinese Cursive Cursive Anthology" and "Chinese Herbal Anthology", and he has co-edited books with ancient masters such as "Ten Ancient and Modern Chinese cursive Calligraphy", co-edited with Shen Peng "Years like songs · Two Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting Masters", "Art Monument · Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting Masters Point Books", personal collection of "Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting Master Zhong Shibin's personal Volume", "Charming Tanqing · Ice and Snow Winter Olympics Selection More than 20 sets. In 2020, his resume was included in the Collection of Previous Military Parades, and in 2021, he was again included in the column of "Pilot Artist" in People's Daily's "Leading China · Striving for a Hundred Years · Embarking on a new Journey" and awarded the trophy, known as "the Great Scholar of Chinese pilot Art Communication".
Personal deeds included: "The Power of Example", "The National Dictionary of Literary and Artistic Figures", awarded the "backbone of China - Outstanding figures in the Republican industry", "Chief Art adviser of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Network", "World Art Achievement Award", "Contemporary art leader", "Meritful artist", "2021· National Art harmonic model" and many other honorary titles. In 2022, he won the Best Designer Award of China Lanting Character Bank in Zhong Shibin cursive collection project. His works were included in "Great Power Everyone" and won the title of "Great Power Everyone Outstanding Artist Selection Talent"; His works were included in the Dictionary of the First Batch of Senior Think Tank Experts and invited to serve as the first batch of senior think tank senior researchers; His works were included in the "1949-2022 Republic Fine Arts Festival" and awarded the Republic of Meritorious Artist; He was also included in the "1922-2022 World Art Yearbook" Collection of classic works of Modern World 100-year Masters, and won the title of "International Artist Merit". In 22 years, he was also the invited consultant of the National Gift Artist Network and the title of national Treasure art master. In 2023, he was included in the "China Art Brand Transaction List", and in 2023, he was awarded the "Leader of cultural innovation in the New era".